Physio-Care Services

Exercise Therapy

Exercise Therapy in Hamilton

Take the active option! At Physio-Care Services in Hamilton we are pleased to offer exercise therapy to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Exercise therapy can take many different forms but the goal is the same whether you are lifting weights or stretching: restoring normal musculoskeletal function, decreasing pain and improving overall well-being.We offer personalized exercise programs which include stretching and strengthening.

Rely on us for a diverse range of programs, such as:

  • Postural re-education
  • Core stabilization
  • Supervised on-site gym programs
  • Work conditioning programs
  • Muscle imbalance and alignment

Our Kinesiology Services

  • Involve on-site supervision of exercises provided by our registered and experienced kinesiologist in our fully equipped gym
  • Contain individualized exercise programs including stretching, strengthening and range of motion, postural re-education, core stabilization, work conditioning programs and muscle imbalance and alignment retraining
  • Functional Abilities Evaluations and forms completed for W.S.I.B. and employers after thorough assessments and return to work planning